Change Your Mind ~ Change Your Life!

What is it?

According to science, 95% of the time we operate from our subconscious mind. 

When you change the program your subconscious mind runs on, you will change your life!

At four years old we start developing our belief systems, perceptions, and ideologies from our parents, our environment, and those around us. Some of these become lies you live by that can unconsciously sabotage you. For example, if you believe you aren’t worthy of love, you will unconsciously do something that will cause a relationship to end. Lies around self-worth will keep you from attracting a good partner or job.  If you have lies around money, you will never be able to manifest financial abundance. Lies around food will affect your weight. Lies around health could negatively affect your body. These lies shape and create your whole reality. This is a powerful, life-changing session. I haven’t found a person yet who didn’t need their subconscious lies removed and replaced.

How it works

With a subconscious Lie Removal, I will go into your energy and find out how many lies you’re storing and what areas of life they’re affecting. I’ll then start the process of erasing the lies energetically one by one until they’re all gone. Lies that have been holding you back your whole life are immediately erased and over the next 37 days, you will start downloading truths to replace the previous lies. Your vibration will move up to a much higher level. It takes 40 days for the energy to integrate fully and the process to be complete. In one session, I can do what would normally take a person years of shadow work to accomplish. I watched a friend’s 5-year life plan unfold in only a year after removing her subconscious blocks. So much positive redirection can happen after this session. The way someone communicates will do a complete 360 so this has been an amazing session for struggling couples. If there’s an illness in the body caused by subconscious lies or programming, I will feel it clear out and tell you what it was. I’m constantly amazed at all of the different things that happen for people after a Subconscious Clearing.

Your family

 If you have children over the age of 4 we will need to clear them also. Your lies would’ve been passed down to them creating the same blocks. If you clear yourself and not your partner there’s a good chance you will break up. You won’t be a vibrational match anymore. If the energy gives me permission, I can clear them without them knowing. I remove your partner and your childrens subconscious lies through you during your session.

After The Subconscious Lie Removal

Your boundaries will get STRONG. Most people have lies around boundaries and put up with things they shouldn’t be putting up with. Be careful with this in the beginning. You might want to tell people off and set people straight. It’s kind of a rush at first until you level out and get used to the new you. If you don’t have boundary problems, you might just get super mellow. After I reset my best friend, she was so calm I avoided most of her calls for a week because she was talking sooooo slowly that it drove me crazy! There will be a huge improvement in communication between couples. Your habits will change along with your perception. You’ll see people differently. People have a much easier time expressing themselves after a clearing. Things that bothered you before won’t bother you as much. You’ll attract higher-vibing people and toxic relationships will end. Your manifestations will pick up. You won’t have any more programs running in the background sabotaging you or preventing you from manifesting ~(Make sure you think positively and keep your focus on things u want.) You will have a higher perception and a better understanding of everything.  

When I had my subconscious blocks cleared, it felt like another person who had been existing in my head was removed. My mind was quiet without so much running in the background and it took a little getting used to.

How it’s performed and what to expect


I’ll have you make sure you’re very hydrated prior to the session. You’ll need a separate clean glass of water to keep next to you. Pillows to put under your arms to keep them comfortable and a distraction-free environment. U won’t be able to move for 20 minutes to an hr. while I’m sending signals to energy centers in your body. If your hands move It will break the connection. I’ll have you make sure your phone or laptop is fully charged and you have a brown paper sack and pen if I’m clearing family members (the small brown lunch sacks work fine)

Sessions are done Remotely. I will send you a Zoom link to log in for your scheduled time. Make sure you’re home and you don’t have to drive anywhere afterward.

 I will give you more detailed instructions on hand placement etc. before we get started

After we start you might feel head pressure, numbness, and tingling ~ Your body might get hot, cold, or twitchy. U should feel the energy moving through areas of your body where your subconscious lies were energetically stored. 

The 40-Day Process

On the first day, you might feel Zombied out, like some computer program that was running in the background of your mind just shut off. This feels really weird for some people. There might be an ongoing headache and you might need to sleep. 

On the first and second days, you might have flu-like symptoms. You might have a lot of emotions that surrounded your lies coming up to be released. 

By day 3 most people feel energized and much happier. If you’re one of the people who had severe boundary issues, u might feel moody.  That doesn’t happen often ~ People usually feel great.

On the 4th day, you start downloading 1-3 new truths every day for the rest of the 40 days. Your vibe will rise higher and higher each day. Your rise in frequency might make you seem more attractive to people.

Sometimes people have weird psychic experiences during or towards the end of the 40 days. Dreams might get really vivid. Some people’s voices might temporarily get deeper. Everyone reacts to energy differently. I recommend journaling throughout your process.

After the process is over you get to enjoy the new you. The version of you that isn’t being held back by subconscious limitations.

Cost $400.00 for an Individual normally $600.00 ~ For a Family $600.00 normally $1,500.00

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