Things You Need To Know Before Any Session

  • Sometimes (not often) sessions run longer than expected and It could delay the sessions following. Scheduling the first session of the day will avoid those delays. If I have a difficult session that drains my energy completely, I might have to reschedule the days following to rest and recharge.
  • I do a full energy assessment with every session. I check for Blocks, Earthbound Spirits, Parasitic Entity Attachments, Cords, Ancestral Entities, Elemental Karmas, and Subconscious Blocks. I will let you know what’s going on with your energy.
  • I will send you an e-mail with a zoom link for you to log in during your scheduled time. All sessions are done remotely.
  • I don’t look into anyone’s energy unless they’re scheduled. If you don’t need a clearing that you scheduled yourself for, I will refund your money and tell you what you need instead. I DO NOT issue refunds for services provided.
  • YOU WANT TO BE HOME during and after your session. You don’t know how your body is going to react. There can be a physical purge of some kind or an immediate opening up of a spiritual gift. It could cause you to randomly speak in tongues or temporarily have severe sensory issues. U might get really tired and driving wouldn’t be safe. Not everyone has these types of reactions but you don’t want to chance it. Everyone reacts differently.
  • Make sure you are HYDRATED for your session. I can’t move energy through a dehydrated body.
  • I recommend staying hydrated after your session also. Energy will continue to move and purge out things that don’t serve your highest good. Make sure you’re good on electrolytes.
  • Once you get your energetic wheel spinning it just keeps going. Your body will continuously try to release stuck emotions. This is usually more noticeable around full moons. The earth’s energy during a full moon helps pull stuck energies to the surface to be released. If you get emotional at times just let it all out. Emotional purges are usually followed by energetic upgrades. U might notice a new Psychic gift come online after a good purge or develop a new understanding of something. If you have stuck emotions you might experience a trigger. Something that triggers a good cry fest to get those emotions out.
  • You will energetically glow after a session. This will probably make you seem more attractive to people so watch out for people trying to leech off of your good vibes.
  • You could start feeling energy or having odd psychic experiences before your actual session. As soon as you schedule, a sort of energetic link happens causing you to tap into the energies.
  • I recommend keeping a journal for a while, before and after your session. When you fade into a new you it’s almost like the old one never existed. Keeping a journal of your thoughts, feelings, what’s going on in your head, etc. gives you something to look back on if u ever reach a point where you don’t feel like you’ve made progress.
  • Don’t waste your money scheduling any session if you aren’t willing to make changes. I can clear the way for you energetically but you still have to start listening to your guidance and make changes when necessary. You can’t step into your highest timeline if you’re allowing a toxic person to hold you down or you’re holding yourself down with toxic foods and substances.
  • You will manifest faster. Pay attention to your thoughts.
  • Always make sure your device is fully charged before your session and you’re in a quiet space. Make sure u use the restroom. If I’m having you hold your hands in specific places you’ll break the connection if u have to move and we will have to reschedule.
  • When your energetic frequency raises it will ping those around you and could cause them to start purging emotions also. Consciousness is contagious, so be mindful.

I really recommend a good daily spiritual practice to keep your energy clear. There are a lot of great guided meditations out there. Steve Nobel is my absolute favorite, and you can find his videos on Youtube.