4 PART~ Master Attunement and Psychic Activation Become a Master Healer

  • Description: This is a 4-part remote energy healing session meant to fast-track your intuitive development and attune you to healing energies.
  • Part 1: Blood of Christ healing and Attunement (Here’s the story behind it) This is a healing that was shown or “gifted” to me by Jesus during a meditation. I was shown what the Blood of Christ is and how to use it for spiritual clearing. This came during a time when I was seeking ways to help people who were dealing with entities and spiritual attachments. ~ During a long meditation I started speaking to myself in what some people would refer to as, “Light Language,” or “Tongues,” then immediately translated it to, “Come With Me.” I was then energetically pulled into the Earth and surfaced covered in this golden liquid. The words that followed were, “Blood of Christ.” This golden liquid had the most powerful healing energy to it. ~ After this energy had time to fully integrate into my field Jesus came into my space, put his hands over mine, and showed me how to pulse white light with the beat of my heart during a healing session. ~ I’ve been guided to pull the Blood of Christ through me and transfer it to whoever I’m working with and use white light in the way I was shown to jump-start the energy body. ~ Spiritual attachments will flee a person’s energy field the second I start to pull the Blood of Christ through them. I will teach you how to use intention with The Blood of Christ to accomplish your healing goals and show you how to use a pendulum to check someone’s energy before and after so you can have a visual of your progress.
  • THIS IS AN AMAZING ADDITION TO ANY HEALER’S TOOLKIT. Entities can block Reiki energies from helping a person during a Reiki session. It’s always good to come in with the Blood of Christ first. It’s also amazing for clearing objects, charging crystals, and amplifying the healing effects of herbs, oils, and sprays.
  • Part 2: The activation: This happens when I pulse white light on the brain. When I see it clairvoyantly it looks like rainbow-colored synapses all starting to fire off at once. This is a crystalline activation of the brain that will help you process and read energies more effectively. A slight pressure in the crown or third eye area might be felt during this time.
  • Part 3: Complete Chakra Balancing and Alignment ~ I clear, balance, and align the Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye and Crown Chakras. This helps energy flow through your body correctly.
  • Part 4: Master/Teacher Level Angelic and Usui Reiki Attunement ~ With and Without Symbols: I call in Jesus the Archangels and Usui Reiki Masters to assist in your attunement to Reiki and Angelic healing frequencies. This is Reiki levels 1, 2, 3, and Master/ Teacher. U can go on to use and teach Reiki or use the energy in any healing modality you might be guided to.
  • I will send a follow-up e-mail with instructions on how to use The Blood of Christ Healing for yourself and others along with a detailed Master/Teacher Level Reiki manual. This manual will teach you everything you need to know and how to attune others. ~ Receiving an attunement is like being shown a radio station. Once you’re given the station you can tune right in. The energy stays with you and you can tap into it at any time.


Along with your Reiki Manual, you will receive instructions on how to properly attune tools you might use with your sessions. For example: Pendulums, oils, tarot cards, etc. You will use a pendulum for Reiki without symbols and it will need to be properly aligned to your own energy before you use it.

This is THE WORKS of healing sessions designed to help you become a Master Healer/Teacher and help your own spiritual gifts activate and open up. Working with healing energies frequently will keep this process going and you will continue to get better over time. If you want to be one of the best healers out there, this session is definitely for you.


Cost $400.00

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