This is the strongest and most powerful session I do. It takes a lot of energy, and I won’t schedule them too frequently. If you have an Ancestral Entity Attachment within your bloodline, it will have to be removed first. If you need a subconscious clearing, I will add it in for free during your Session.
This is a Ritual Type of Clearing That Can Only be Done on a Monday, Wednesday, or Saturday
Every element is a spirit that governs our Physical Plane. Earth governs the North, Air-East, Fire-South, and Water governs the West. The elements offer us energy to use for manifestations, rituals, etc. ~ In any lifetime, If you’ve used this energy for nefarious purposes ~ If you’ve shed blood on earth, or caused some kind of physical trauma, then you created a Karma that’s affecting your life now. This Karma will show up as lifelong problems you can’t overcome no matter how hard you try. If you’re dealing with an Ancestral Entity Attachment, you will see negative patterns throughout your family. If you’re dealing with Parasitic Entities and Cords, you will randomly start having problems or feeling bad and could be a come-and-go type of thing.
You can raise your vibration through energy work to get rid of cords and entities and cause Ancestral Attachments to temporarily lie dormant. Elemental Karma however, is individual to you, lifelong, and hard to get rid of. Raising your vibration and doing energy work won’t help. Your problems wont come and go like they would with cords, or parasitic entity attachments, and you your problems won’t be negative patterns that repeat within your family.
Here’s an Example of How You Can Create an Elemental Karma
If you’re doing a candle ritual against someone and your intentions aren’t pure you may get the outcome you wanted, but at the same time, you just created a Karma with the element of fire, which governs the South. That Karma will show up in your physical world until it’s cleared. (Magic is very real and shouldn’t be played with)
This is How Negative Karma May Show up With Each Element and What it Might Look Like In Your Life
- EARTH-NORTH-Sacral/Base-Solitude, loss, doubt, losing things, financial loss, gambling, afraid of taking risks, restrictions, blocked intuition, constantly trying to overcome fear, misfortune, blocked finances and stability, money and career problems ~ blocked movement, freedom, and new beginnings ~ Always feel pressure on your back ~ Earth is a spirit ~ If u don’t reconcile with her u won’t have what you need physically.
- AIR-EAST-Mind-Crown-Third Eye- Solar Plexus-Jealousy, internal issues, negative self-talk, lack of harmony, all in your head, stagnation, confusion, internal disputes, quarrels, arguments, bipolar, depression, anxiety, constant inner conflicts and battles ~Poor mental state and poor communication, you can’t control your thoughts, you expect the worst ~ Chronic spine, heart and lung problems.
- FIRE-SOUTH – You lack passion, and happiness ~ You can’t find gratitude or joy in everyday life ~ depression, anxiety, deep emotional issues, insecurities about yourself, relationships and people around you ~ paranoia ~ You’ve probably been deceived a lot, or you’re deceptive, lack of faith, fear of danger/threats, lack passion, stagnant in life, bored as hell, repeat negative cycles, you’re a ticking time bomb, have a lot of repressed anger, big fear of rejection~ Problems with bones, legs, lower body, weight ~ Fertility issues, addictive and obsessive behaviors ~ sex, drugs, alc, food ~ suicidal thoughts, could be manifesting an early death. This is your most important energy. It’s your happiness.
- WATER-WEST– Heart Chakra-Issues with being close to people ~ Can’t hold relationships, over-emotional, no stability in your romantic life, poor mental-emotional health and intuition
How The Session Works and How You Prepare For It
There Are 3 Parts to This Session
- PART ONE: The Reconciliation ~ This is the longest part. It can take 30 minutes to 2 hours (You’ll be laying down for this part, palms up on your chest, fingers together, thumbs touching your heart) I create a petition with the Elements to reconcile your Karmic debt and release the physical karma. After I get a yes from the energy to move forward, I’ll send signals through your hands reconnecting and aligning you with the elements while clearing your karmic debt. After this is finished, we move on to part 2.
- PART 2: Accepting Gifts ~ (You’ll be sitting up straight, arms on your lap with palms facing up) I’ll have you close your eyes and accept and receive gifts from the elements. The gifts will be everything your karma was blocking you from receiving. Your body temperature will change. That will be the elements acknowledging you. You will give gratitude and we will move on to part 3.
- PART 3: Outside Ritual ~ You will need to go outside or have 5 potted plants inside that you can use. You will need to be wearing a white shirt throughout this entire process, will need 5 bottles of water, and will need to know which direction North, East, South, and West face from where you are. I will go over all three parts in more detail before your session.
- No meat, alcohol, or carbon drinks THREE days prior to your session ~ Make sure you’re home and have a quiet space for at least three hours afterward.
Cost $1,700.00
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