Blood Of Christ Attunement

Master Level Reiki Certification ~ With and without Symbols

You will receive two attunements. One for Usui Master/Teacher Level Reiki (with and without symbols) and one for The Blood of Christ Healing and Entity Removal. During the attunement process, I will clear your energy and adjust your field so that you can do these clearings on yourself and others. You will receive a manual afterward with detailed instructions so that you can go on to Teach, Heal, and Attune others. You will also learn how to use a pendulum with your energy field for healing work.


This is a healing that was shown or “gifted” to me by Jesus during a meditation. I was shown what the Blood of Christ is and how to use it for spiritual clearing. This came during a time when I was seeking ways to help people who were dealing with entities and spiritual attachments. ~ During a long meditation I started speaking to myself in a language I didn’t recognize then immediately translated it to, “Come With Me.” I was then energetically pulled into the Earth and surfaced covered in this golden liquid. The words that followed were, “Blood of Christ.” This golden liquid had the most powerful healing energy to it. ~ After this energy had time to fully integrate into my field Jesus came into my space, put his hands over mine, and showed me how to pulse white light with the beat of my heart during a healing session. ~ I’ve been guided to pull the Blood of Christ through me and transfer it to whoever I’m working with and use white light in the way I was shown to jump-start the energy body. ~ Spiritual attachments will flee a person’s energy field the second I start to pull the Blood of Christ through them. It can also be used to clear objects and charge crystals, oils, and herbs. I will teach you how to use intention with The Blood of Christ to accomplish your healing goals and show you how to use a pendulum to check someone’s energy before and after so you can have a visual of your progress.

No drugs or alcohol 3 days prior to your appointment ~ No meat 24 hrs prior


I really recommend taking this class for everyone. Having the ability to remove spiritual attachments and clear energy can make a Night and Day difference. It can completely shift how you or someone else is feeling and what you’re attracting in your life. You will be in awe at the difference it can make. Even if you don’t plan on becoming a Reiki Practitioner, it’s worth learning for yourself and your family.

Cost $300.00

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