What is an Ancestral Entity?

Sins of our fathers/Generational Curse

An Ancestral Entity is a spiritual Karma passed down through generations from parents or past lives. It’s a negative entity within a bloodline that scripture in the bible is really referring to when it mentions, Sins of our Fathers, and Generational Curses. If you have a negative family history or pattern of any kind, you could have an Entity within your ancestry or bloodline.

The negative patterns could be those of drug abuse, alcoholism, physical abuse, molestation or sexual assault, imprisonment, bad luck, poverty, lack of stable relationships or any life progress ~ Emotional detachment, mental issues, health problems like generations of relatives getting cancer, obesity, divorce, etc.

People with Ancestral Entities stay stuck in negative cycles. They feel like the Devil has a grip on their life and they just can’t escape. AE’s are pretty easy to recognize because the patterns and history within a family will always be there. When you remove an Ancestral Entity from yourself it will also be removed from everyone within your bloodline who has it, so it only takes one person in a family to clear it for the entire bloodline.

How Do You Get An AE?

On the physical plane if we’re exposed to a chemical or pesticide it can change or warp our DNA causing different illnesses. We will then pass that damaged DNA down to our children and they can get the same illness even though they weren’t directly exposed to the chemical or pesticide. What we do and how we live can affect generations to come.

On the spiritual plane, it’s karma being passed down instead. If in a past life, you or an ancestor worked with energies or Deities you shouldn’t have been working with, or did something you shouldn’t have done. This created a type of karma that will affect certain people within your bloodline. This karma acts like an energetic prison sentence for a bad deed that will skip around the family until someone has it cleared, or does the work to remove it themselves. You could have three children and only one child will have the AE or all three might. These entities are very active and very hard to control. These entities can repel people with clear energy from you and attract people who also have entities in their fields to you. If you have ever wondered how disturbed individuals find each other it’s through the entities living within them. Negative will always attract negative.

Entities feed off of your misery and will try to control your life to keep you in low states of consciousness.

How the session works

I’ll go into your energy and see if you have an AE and how many. I’ll check to see if it comes from your Mothers’s or Fathers’s side, ask how many generations it goes back, then ask if I have permission to remove it. If I don’t get permission that usually means it has to be a part of your life path or you have lessons you need to learn from it. ( I will refund your money if this happens)

Finally, I’ll check to see what day and hour it has to be done. Each person has a specific time frame when their energy will be receptive to an AE removal. You will need to schedule yourself for the first available time slot on my calendar and I will get with you to reschedule after I check your energy.

During the process

Every generation will have an ancestor who acts as a spiritual representative for that generation. I have to go through each representative one by one until I get a release from each. An Ancestral Entity that goes back 13 generations will take longer to remove than one that only goes back six.

Be hydrated. This is so important. I can’t move energy through a body that isn’t hydrated.

Make sure you’re home and will be able to lie in a certain position for an hour or more. I’ll be dealing with some really bad energies and it takes time to get them cleared. You don’t want to be out driving afterward because you might get really drowsy or your body might need to purge causing you to run to the bathroom. You might experience different emotions every hour for the next 24 hours. I always tell people to keep a journal documenting their thoughts, feelings, etc. before and after their sessions.

Cost $500.00 normally $1,000.00

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